Traditional shopping cart
Traditional shopping cart is the simplest model which enables your customers to pay you when they place an order. It is suitable for most e-commerce companies and online shops. They pay at checkout.
Most online businesses need the facility to accept payments from their clients, and the most popular online payment system is to use credit cards. To receive credit card payments, you will need to use a credit card processing company. Such companies are usually referred to as Payment Service Providers (PSPs). Many of these are available, though choosing the best one for your business requires a little work as they vary considerably.
In the past, most businesses needed a merchant account to accept credit card payments. However, now there is a large number of PSPs that allow you to process credit cards economically; they are no longer essential. In some circumstances, they are a better option, especially for larger businesses. They can be cheaper than PSPs, and they provide a higher level of service. However, they can be challenging to set up, and you would need to undergo a detailed credit check. For most new businesses, a PSP is a preferred solution.
Different PSPs provide services in various jurisdictions, so obviously you will need to select one that will process credit cards in your location. While many PSPs offer comprehensive coverage, for some jurisdictions there is a limited choice.
Here, we provide an indication of which major merchant covers which jurisdiction, but this is not an exclusive list. You will probably find a wider choice than we indicate, but this should give you a good starting point.
How much can you expect to pay?
Credit card processing costs vary considerably. We provide some base costs offered by various companies for processing payments, but, while these are a good starting point, there are several other things to consider. Where possible, we indicate costs in different jurisdictions, for instance, within and outside the EEA. You will also need to pay an additional fee each time a client requests a chargeback (refund). These can be very expensive, and costs vary considerably between companies. You might also need to pay a monthly service charge and in some cases, PCI compliance fees, so you should check these directly with your intended PSP.
Traditional shopping cart is the simplest model which enables your customers to pay you when they place an order. It is suitable for most e-commerce companies and online shops. They pay at checkout.
Pay by link is more appropriate to companies that invoice their customers. The invoice contains a link that directs the client to the PSP site where they make the payment. While there is usually a monthly fee for providing the service, it also means you can use this method without having to manage a website.
Card readers such as Square and iZettle allow you to accept payments at the point of sale (POS). They are an excellent solution for businesses that carry out work remotely, for instance, taxi drivers, or at their customers’ premises, for example, tradesmen.
In the table below we list several providers and indicate some of the jurisdictions where they operate. As you can see, in most jurisdictions there is a wide choice, though in others your choice is more limited. We also list the standard transactions costs inside and outside the EEA as a percentage of the transaction value. There is also a nominal fixed cost for each transaction, and as we mentioned above, you should also consider chargeback fees.
Merchant | UK | Ireland | Cyprus | Cost inside EEA | Cost outside EEA |
2checkout | YES | YES | x | 1.4% | 3.5% |
AlliedWallet | YES | YES | x | 1% | 1.95% |
Amazon pay | YES | YES | x | 1.4% | 3.4% |
AsiaPay | x | x | x | POA | POA |
Bitpay | YES | YES | YES | 1% | 1% |
Braintree | YES | YES | YES | 1.9% | - | | YES | YES | YES | POA | POA |
Coinbase | x | YES | x | 1.49% | 3.99% |
CyberSource | YES | x | x | POA | POA |
GOCARDLESS | YES | x | x | - | 2% |
Payfort | x | x | x | - | 2.94% |
PayPal | YES | x | YES | 1.9% | 3.4% |
Paysera | YES | YES | YES | 0.75% | 2% |
SAGE | YES | YES | x | 2.5% | POA |
Stripe | YES | x | YES | 1.4% | 2.9% |
Worldline | YES | YES | YES | POA | POA |
Worldpay | YES | YES | YES | 2.75% | 2.75% |